* Degenerative Conditions
Signs of wear and tear, such as arthrosis, knee, hip, hands, shoulder, elbow, humiliated disc, and spondylarthritis.
* Sports Injuries
Chronic Inflammation of tendons and joints, tendon overload syndrome, osteitis pubis.
* Reduce swelling and inflammation
Promotes wound healing and tissue repair, Supports collagen production.
* Pain Therapy
Chronic pain, such as back pain, lumbago, tension, radiculopathies, and heel pain.
Advantages of Machine Handle:
* The MAX working frequency is 3000 HZ, field strength at the coll is 7 TESLA, Better treatment results.
* The Physio Magneto has two modes, can do treatment for different depths, you can choose for yourself.
* The treatment handle is height-adjustable and can be moved according to treatment needs.